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Moving floor trailers. That is what Kraker has been focusing on since 1989. We continuously incorporate user experience during the development and production of trailers to provide you with the most efficient and cost-effective vehicle.


You get a standard 5-year guarantee on the structure of a new Kraker moving floor trailer. You will only find this kind of assurance at Kraker. If you should sell your K-Force, the guarantee automatically transfers to the new owner.


You are proud undoubtedly of your moving floor trailer, and so are we! And on the people who develop, build and sell the trailers. We succeed together. Your trailer will meet and most likely even exceed your expectations.

Kraker Trailers, Masters in moving floor trailers


K-Force is the strongest and most reliable moving floor trailer.

  • K-Force has the longest service life
  • K-Force has the strongest floor construction
  • K-Force provides a unique 5-year guarantee on structure

discover all the benefits of K-Force

The moving floor trailer with the longest service life

Shape-retaining structure
Shape-retaining structure

The trailer retains its rigidity, while remaining flexible, even after years of intensive use. The moving floor is subjected to minimal resistance due to strategically placed rivet joints in the trailer, which absorb the heavy loads.

Innovative structure
Innovative structure

The clever structure ensures that the floor sections sit tightly on the subfloor. This is especially important at the rear of the trailer as this is the point where most of the cargo passes through. The special structure ensures that hardly any residue is left behind.

Extreme tear resistance
Extreme tear resistance

A K-Force trailer is tear-resistant thanks to its clever structure with screw connections. This technique also ensures that the load on the moving floor flows away perfectly. This extends the service life.

Low internal friction
Low internal friction

Minimal wear during unloading, fuel savings and a lower impact on the environment due to reduced CO2 emissions. These are the advantages of low internal friction in a moving floor.

What our customers say

Jultra complies with 48-tonne legislation in Belgium with combination
Jultra complies with 48-tonne legislation in Belgium with combination

In a previous newsletter, we wrote about Belgian transport company Jultra. Jonas Claes ordered a new trailer from Kraker, which in combination with the truck loaded may weigh a total of 48 tonnes. This Kraker trailer is the first moving floor trailer on Flemish roads that meets all the requirements of the Belgian 48-tonne legislation.

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Professionalism, quality and punctuality: the core values of Repinski Transport
Professionalism, quality and punctuality: the core values of Repinski Transport

Kraker Trailers is represented in Poland by TrailerTec Poland. Repinski is one of the regular customers of this branch of TrailerTec. Kraker in Poland has been supplying moving floor trailers to Repinski for years already, where they use the vehicles for their intended purpose: transporting as wide a range of products as possible. Repinski's combinations are impossible to miss, as the company creates true works of art from their vehicles.

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Greenhaul: sustainable transport innovation with Kraker trailers
Greenhaul: sustainable transport innovation with Kraker trailers

In 2015, the British Simon Lee founded the company Greenhaul with his wife. He saw a gap in the market in terms of sustainability in the transport sector, and started transporting biomass (among other things) such as recyclable waste and woodchips. Lee opted for K-Force moving floor trailers from Kraker, with a capacity of 100m3. "Greenhaul hardly ever has to deal with empty kilometres. We drive with a load 95% of the time," Simon says.

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Post chooses K-Force Agri during beet campaign
Post chooses K-Force Agri during beet campaign

It is a busy time for hauliers of agricultural products. The beet season has started and that means that they often work with all their might to transport the beet from the fields to the factory. Post Handel en Transport from Harderwijk is one such company that goes the extra mile during the beet campaign. Or more than just the one mile. Because while Post normally employs around 60 to 70 people, they scale it up to 160 during the sugar beet campaign. Some of the drivers use Kraker moving floor trailers.

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Environmentally friendly aspect of Huckepack transport important for Löblein and De Vries
Environmentally friendly aspect of Huckepack transport important for Löblein and De Vries

The name is very recognisable: De Vries transports mainly recycling products (such as aluminium, scrap metal, plastic and household waste) by road and rail. De Vries' fleet currently consists of 13 trucks and 23 trailers, including eight Kraker moving floor trailers. For rail transport, De Vries mainly uses 50m3 containers. That is about to change, however, as an order for 21 units of 92 m3 K-Force moving floor trailers in Huckepack design will significantly expand the options available to De Vries.

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K-Force Steered offers you more convenience
K-Force Steered offers you more convenience

For some types of transport, you get to places where you could use some extra ease of steering. And that's when you choose Krakers K-Force Steered. This type is available with different steering systems. Each system has its own features and advantages. Van der Knaap from Wateringen opted for a K-Force Steered with VSE Advanced Steering.

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Hertsens very satisfied with personal approach Kraker Trailers
Hertsens very satisfied with personal approach Kraker Trailers

Hertsens is a family business in the true sense of the word. The company's founder, Hertsens Arnold, joined forces with his brothers in the agricultural sector in 1978. Ten years later, he founded a transport company. A good move, as the excellent service was soon noticed by the City of Antwerp, resulting in a large waste contract. So the company made its entry into the world of waste transport. And successfully so. Because in recent decades, Hertsens grew into one of the largest waste transporters in Belgium.

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K&DTC group has firm grip on transport!
K&DTC group has firm grip on transport!

It takes some figuring out, but once you get the hang of it, you see how well put together the model is. We talked to Louw van der West, one of the owners of DTC, Koning & Drenth and Henk Smid Transport about the work, moving floors and options.

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Theobald followed advice from colleagues and chose Kraker
Theobald followed advice from colleagues and chose Kraker

German transport operator Theobald collected their first Kraker moving-floor trailer in Axel at the beginning of May. Having previously opted for moving floors from other brands, Theobald now followed the advice of fellow transport companies and opted for Kraker. A choice that owner Siegfried Theobald is very happy with.

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Kraker Trailers folding bumpers quickly conquered the market
May 22, 2024
Kraker Trailers folding bumpers quickly conquered the market

Kraker Trailers introduced the folding bumper as a new option on their moving floor trailers in 2022. The advantages of this bumper include making work easier and safer for drivers. This is typical for Kraker: always looking for innovations that provide users with extra convenience and safety.

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Tyre pressure monitoring system to be mandatory from July 2024
May 22, 2024
Tyre pressure monitoring system to be mandatory from July 2024

The EU has made TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring System) mandatory from 7 July 2024. Whenever your K-Force's tyre pressure is too low, you will receive an automatic alert. You can read the current and desired tyre pressure on your Smartboard.

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Unique approach to the Irish and UK market by Setanta and TrailerTec UK
May 22, 2024
Unique approach to the Irish and UK market by Setanta and TrailerTec UK

That is according to Alfie Barker from Ireland, who is responsible for Kraker sales in Ireland (Setanta) and the UK (TrailerTec UK). Alfie and his team have a unique method of introducing potential customers to K-Force moving floor trailers. "Interested? Use it for a month, try out the trailer and then we would like to hear if you want to continue together. Because," Alfie believes, "you will only know if you like something when you try it yourself.” 

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You get a 5-year guarantee on your moving floor trailer. Only available from Kraker Trailers. Because we stand by our product.

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